heat treatment

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is a process, which involves the use of heating to extreme temperatures, to achieve the desired result of hardening the material.
heat treatment

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is one of the services we provide to our customers. It is a process, which involves the use of heating to extreme temperatures, to achieve the desired result of hardening the material. Heat treating allows then the manipulating properties such as the hardness, strength, toughness, ductility, and elasticity.

Heat treatment for pallets is a process used to reduce the risk of spreading pests and diseases that may be present in the wood. It involves subjecting the pallets to specific heat treatment procedures to ensure that any potentially harmful organisms, such as insects, larvae, and fungi, are eliminated.

Our heat treatment services meet ISPM 15 standards and are available for:

  • Assembled Pallets or Crating
  • Dunnage
  • Wood Components

Specifically, the ISPM 15 standard for the heat treatment of wood packaging materials or components requires prior to fumigation or heat treatment, to remove the bark from any wood intended for use in packaging materials. This precautionary measure is implemented to avoid potential re-infestation of pests during the wood’s storage period or even after it has been transformed into packaging.

The ISPM 15 standard is performed by heating the wood packaging material in a schedule that attains a minimum core temperature of 56° C (133° F) for at least 30 minutes.

Your heat-treated wood products will be clearly marked with the “HT” stamp required for international export under ISPM 15 regulations and you will receive the appropriate documentation to ship or sell your products.

The heat treatment process usually includes the below steps:

Wood Selection – Kiln Drying – Heat Treatment – Temperature Monitoring – Cooling and Certification

Thanks to the process there is no risk of transporting pests across borders. The treatment helps to safeguard ecosystems and agricultural industries from any invasive species and diseases.